Stadt Krefeld - Soforthilfe ukrainische Flüchtlinge
Konrad-Adenauer-Platz 17, 47803 Krefeld
Here you will find information as well as general hints on websites regarding Ukraine aid. Hotline for people looking fo… mehr anzeigen
- Free
- Chargeable
- On site
- Online
Main focus
Information about Ukraine aid. Hotline for individuals from Ukraine looking for accommodation.
Main focus
Provides basic support for those in need of work, advises, promotes, and facilitates employment or vocational training placement
Offer support
Do you want to showcase your local assistance for refugees?
Please ensure that you can provide relevant content for Ukrainian refugees in Germany.
- Information on housing and job search.
- Pastoral care and health
- Appointments and events.
- Language course, educational, leisure, and counseling offerings.
Simply fill out the form, and we will get in touch with you
Main focus
Provides basic support for those in need of work, advises, promotes, and facilitates employment or vocational training placement.
Main focus
Questions about child benefit and application for child benefit.