Was muss ich beim Streaming beachten?
Downloads von Videospielen und Musik, die illegal sind.
Darf ich auf kostenlosen Internetseiten Filme herunterladen?
Nein, das Herunterladen von Filmen über illegale Streaming-Seiten ist strengstens untersagt.
Ist es legal, in Deutschland kostenlos Filme im Internet zu streamen?
Im Internet gibt es viele Webseiten, auf denen man kostenlos Filme, Serien oder Fußball-Übertragungen anschauen kann. Man sollte jedoch darauf achten, dass viele dieser Websites das Urheberrecht verletzen und somit illegal sind. Indem man dort kostenlos Filme anschaut, begibt man sich selbst in eine rechtswidrige Situation und kann möglicherweise rechtlich belangt werden.
Wie erkenne ich, ob ein Streaming-Anbieter illegal ist?
Man kann illegale Streaming-Anbieter erkennen, wenn sie Filme anbieten, die gerade erst im Kino erschienen sind. Diese Websites sind oft durch eine übermäßige Menge an Werbung gekennzeichnet. Einige zweifelhafte Anbieter locken Nutzer auch mit kostenlosen Probe-Abos. Sobald man sich dort mit Namen und Mailadresse registriert hat, können jedoch sehr hohe Rechnungen für Jahresabos folgen.
Unsere Bilderbuchkinos auf Ukrainisch!
We would like to do something as quickly as possible to help Ukrainian children who are with us to settle in, at least as much as we can, with stories. Downloadable picture books are particularly suitable for this and can possibly be used with the support of helpers to create comforting reading situations and break down language barriers.
Wie kann ich günstig in die Ukraine telefonieren?
Starting from July, phone calls to Ukraine will no longer be free. As of July 1st, a fee will be applied. Telekom customers using prepaid plans will have to pay approximately 1.99 euros per minute for calls to Ukraine and 1.22 euros for each SMS. Vodafone customers will pay 9.99 euros every 4 weeks, which includes free minutes/SMS from Germany to Ukraine. When it comes to mobile contracts and prepaid plans, here are some things to consider:
Similar to other countries, Germany has many mobile service providers offering both long-term contract plans and prepaid options. Mobile contracts typically come with a minimum term of two years. The Verbraucherzentrale Nordrhein-Westfalen (Consumer Protection Center of North Rhine-Westphalia) recommends prepaid plans without a contract commitment, which often include all-net or data flat rates. Their advice is: when choosing a mobile contract, compare multiple offers and pay attention not only to the price but also to the contract duration and included features such as plans, data volumes, and international flat rates.
Welche schönen Aktivitäten gibt es in Aachen und Umgebung für Kinder?
Aachen is always a great choice for a family vacation.
Was ist für Kindern in der Eifel interessant?
For a family trip with children, there are plenty of kid-friendly attractions in the Eifel, such as animal and theme parks, swimming pools, special tours, and activities in the National Park Eifel and the Vulkaneifel region. We are happy to provide you with tips for micro-adventures in the Eifel and present a small selection here. Whether it's offerings for children in North Rhine-Westphalia or Rhineland-Palatinate, there's a lot to explore in the Eifel!
Welche Ausflugziele kann man in Eschweiler mit Kind besuchen?
Excursion destinations around Eschweiler
Wohin können Jugendliche hin, um Gleichaltrige kennenzulernen?
There are many ways to form new friendships and make the most of your youth. Search the internet for youth clubs or associations in your city, join a school or student organization, or use social media to find groups or events. Be open to approaching others and don't be afraid to meet new people - it's worth it!
Digitaler Reiseführer für NRW
Your digital travel guide for all of North Rhine-Westphalia. Discover nearby attractions now!
Finde ich die Ukraine Plattform auch bei Facebook?
We are the group on Facebook: Ukraine Platform – Platform for Ukrainians. Here is the invitation link.-
Freizeit und Erholung Rund um Aachen
Leisure and Relaxation Around Aachen - Explore Aachen and its Surroundings.
Wo kann ich Sport treiben?
Sports clubs offer a diverse range of different sports. Football clubs can be found in every city and most municipalities. Athletics, handball, basketball, and swimming clubs can be found in every larger city. A membership fee is usually required, and cancellation is generally possible at any time.
Welche Freizeitaktivitäten kann ich mit Kindern machen?
There are plenty of excursion destinations for children. The Coolibri website has some ideas.
Ausflugsziele in Aachen und in der Nähe
The website provides an overview of excursion destinations in and around Aachen.
Ausflugsziele in der Eifel
The website provides an overview of excursion destinations in the Eifel region.