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Main focus
Worship Service
Spiritual consoling
Stadt Krefeld - Soforthilfe ukrainische Flüchtlinge
Konrad-Adenauer-Platz 17, 47803 Krefeld
Here you will find information as well as general hints on websites regarding Ukraine aid. Hotline for people looking fo… mehr anzeigen
Here you will find information as well as general hints on websites regarding Ukraine aid. Hotline for people looking for accommodation from Ukraine: +4921513632023.
- Free
- Chargeable
- On site
- Online
Main focus
Information about Ukraine aid. Hotline for individuals from Ukraine looking for accommodation.
Main focus
Main focus
Main focus
Initial healthcare for asylum seekers
Offer support
Do you want to showcase your local assistance for refugees?
Please ensure that you can provide relevant content for Ukrainian refugees in Germany.
- Information on housing and job search.
- Pastoral care and health
- Appointments and events.
- Language course, educational, leisure, and counseling offerings.
Simply fill out the form, and we will get in touch with you
Bistum Aachen Büro der Regionen Krefeld und Kempen-Viersen
Dionysiusplatz 22, 47798 Krefeld
- Free
- On site
Main focus
Spiritual counseling
Main focus
Consultation for parents, female students, and male students."
Main focus
Consultation for parents, female students, and male students
Main focus
Provides basic support for those in need of work, advises, promotes, and facilitates employment or vocational training placement
Main focus
Provides basic support for those in need of work, advises, promotes, and facilitates employment or vocational training placement.
Main focus
Questions about child benefit and application for child benefit.
Main focus
Selling all VRR tickets.
Main focus
For Ukrainian guests and their host families, we offer various services. You can find an overview here:
FBS -Katholisches Forum für Erwachsenen- und Familienbildung Krefeld-Viersen
Felbelstraße 25, 47799 Krefeld
- Chargeable
- Free
- On site
Main focus
"Under the heading 'Education and Encounter for the People in Viersen and Krefeld,' you will find a multitude and diversity of events and projects with us. Whether it's a parent-child playgroup, health offerings, family courses, women's education programs, programs for exploring one's spirituality, environmental education, senior education, vocational training programs for educational professionals, or programs on culture, creativity, religion, politics, and society, we offer a wide range of options.
Main focus
The Daily Bread - an initiative by the City Pastoral Care and Pastoral Team - provides food to the needy, refugees, and those in need in the city of Krefeld every Saturday.
Arbeitserlaubnis - Was ist die 3+2 Regelung?
Was ist die 3+2 Regelung und für wen gilt sie? Seit August 2016 besteht für Ausländer unter bestimmten Voraussetzungen ein Anspruch darauf, sich während einer Berufsausbildung in Deutschland aufhalten zu dürfen. Zudem haben Sie die Möglichkeit, Geflüchtete im Anschluss daran mindestens zwei Jahre in Ihrem Unternehmen als Fachkraft weiter zu beschäftigen, wenn die Beschäftigung der in der Berufsausbildung erworbenen Qualifikation entspricht. Der Antrag auf Weiterbeschäftigung muss bei der zuständigen Ausländerbehörde gestellt werden.
Wie finde ich einen Arzt oder Psychotherapeuten?
Hier finden Sie Ärzte und Ärztinnen sowie Psychotherapeuten und Psychotherapeutinnen in Ihrer Nähe. Weitere Suchkriterien können Sie im nächsten Schritt wählen.
Befreiung von der Rundfunkbeitragspflicht
You can be exempt from the broadcasting contribution fee if you receive one of the following social benefits:
Citizen's Income (formerly Unemployment Benefit II or Social Money) including benefits under § 22 of the Social Code II (SGB II) - Exemption basis 403b
Subsistence Allowance under the Social Code XII (Chapter 3), as well as under the Federal Supply Act (BVG) (§§ 27a or 27d) - Exemption basis 401
Basic Security in Old Age and for People with Reduced Earning Capacity (Chapter 4, SGB XII) - Exemption basis 402
Benefits under the Federal Training Assistance Act (BAföG), Vocational Training Allowance, Training Compensation under §§ 122ff. SGB III, when the recipients do not live with their parents - Exemption bases 405a, 405b, 405c
Benefits under the Asylum Seekers Benefits Act - Exemption basis 404
Blind Welfare (§ 72 SGB XII and under § 27d BVG) - Exemption basis 410
Care Allowance under state legal provisions (State Care Allowance Acts) - Exemption basis 407
Care Assistance under the Social Code XII (Chapter 7) or Care Assistance as a benefit under the War Victims Assistance Act (BVG) - Exemption basis 407
Care Supplements under the Compensation Equalization Act (LAG) (§ 267 Abs. 1) - Exemption basis 408
In addition, the following individuals can also apply for an exemption:
Persons to whom a deduction is granted due to care dependency (§ 267 Abs. 2 Satz 1 Nr. 2 Buchstabe c LAG) - Exemption basis 408
Adults who live in a residential facility as part of a benefit provision (§ 45 SGB VIII) - Exemption basis 409Y
DRK Suchdienst
The German Red Cross (DRK) Tracing Service supports individuals who have been separated from their loved ones due to armed conflicts, disasters, displacement, or migration. It helps search for family members, reconnect them, and reunite families.
At the Goethe-Institut, you learn German from the pros. We have developed numerous free resources for you to practice German, including apps with learning materials, videos, podcasts, games, as well as social media and community offerings. No matter how well you already speak German and why you want to improve, the most important thing is that you get started – and, above all, enjoy the process.
Was muss ich beim Streaming beachten?
Downloads von Videospielen und Musik, die illegal sind.
Darf ich auf kostenlosen Internetseiten Filme herunterladen?
Nein, das Herunterladen von Filmen über illegale Streaming-Seiten ist strengstens untersagt.
Ist es legal, in Deutschland kostenlos Filme im Internet zu streamen?
Im Internet gibt es viele Webseiten, auf denen man kostenlos Filme, Serien oder Fußball-Übertragungen anschauen kann. Man sollte jedoch darauf achten, dass viele dieser Websites das Urheberrecht verletzen und somit illegal sind. Indem man dort kostenlos Filme anschaut, begibt man sich selbst in eine rechtswidrige Situation und kann möglicherweise rechtlich belangt werden.
Wie erkenne ich, ob ein Streaming-Anbieter illegal ist?
Man kann illegale Streaming-Anbieter erkennen, wenn sie Filme anbieten, die gerade erst im Kino erschienen sind. Diese Websites sind oft durch eine übermäßige Menge an Werbung gekennzeichnet. Einige zweifelhafte Anbieter locken Nutzer auch mit kostenlosen Probe-Abos. Sobald man sich dort mit Namen und Mailadresse registriert hat, können jedoch sehr hohe Rechnungen für Jahresabos folgen.
Wie beantrage ich Arbeitslosengeld II?
Seit dem 1. Juni gibt es eine wichtige Änderung für ukrainische Menschen, die nach Deutschland gekommen sind. Früher erhielten sie finanzielle Unterstützung gemäß dem Asylbewerberleistungsgesetz. Jetzt müssen sie sich jedoch an das Jobcenter wenden und können Leistungen nach dem Sozialgesetzbuch erhalten.
Früher konnten ukrainische Geflüchtete, die in Deutschland registriert waren, Unterstützung nach dem Asylbewerberleistungsgesetz bekommen. Seit dem 1. Juni hat sich das geändert. Ukrainische Menschen haben jetzt Anspruch auf Grundsicherung vom Jobcenter, also auf Arbeitslosengeld II bzw. Hartz IV. Dadurch werden sie nicht mehr als Asylsuchende behandelt, sondern als anerkannte Flüchtlinge. Der Betrag des Arbeitslosengelds II ist höher und kann bis zu 449 Euro im Monat betragen.
Gibt es Sonderverfahren für jüdische Zuwandernde aus der Ukraine?
Eine Antragstellung nach dem Sonderverfahren für jüdische Zuwandernde aus der Ukraine ist jetzt in Deutschland bei den jüdischen Gemeinden möglich.
Hier der Link:
Informationen, Beratung und Therapie für Patienten und Angehörige
Children, adolescents and adults with chronic diseases or disorders after traumatic events will find psychological and psychosocial information and support here.
The Ulm Onlineclinic is a platform for the Child and Adolescent Psychiatry/Psycho- therapy Clinic of the University Hospital, Ulm. It offers internet-based projects to come to terms with chronic physical diseases and stressful disorders. Persons affected can participate in these projects. You will find an overview of our current support and projects on this site.
Unsere Bilderbuchkinos auf Ukrainisch!
We would like to do something as quickly as possible to help Ukrainian children who are with us to settle in, at least as much as we can, with stories. Downloadable picture books are particularly suitable for this and can possibly be used with the support of helpers to create comforting reading situations and break down language barriers.
Was muss ich über die Übungsleiter Pauschale wissen?
The Übungsleiterpauschale, or Exercise Instructor Allowance, is a German tax provision that provides for the tax exemption of certain part-time earnings for specific activities. Here is an overview of the Übungsleiterpauschale:
What is the "Übungsleiterpauschale"? The Übungsleiterpauschale is a tax exemption for part-time income earned from certain activities. The allowance is set at 3,000 euros per year for activities carried out on an honorary basis, such as those of instructors or educators.
Flexible Usage: The 3,000 euros can be used on a pro-rata temporis basis (monthly in equal parts) or as a lump sum over the entire year.
Promotion of Social Engagement: This provision aims to promote societal engagement, such as that of instructors at adult education centers or trainers in amateur sports clubs, by providing a tax benefit for these uncompensated activities.
Who Can Benefit from the Übungsleiterpauschale? The Übungsleiterpauschale can be claimed by individuals engaged in charitable or voluntary work, provided that their activities meet specific criteria. For instance, it can apply to sports trainers, choir leaders, club treasurers, or caretakers for local sports clubs. It is essential that these activities are performed on a part-time basis and are of a charitable nature.
Main and Side Activities: This tax benefit is designed for part-time activities. While it should not be the main occupation, having a primary profession is not a requirement. Even unemployed individuals, homemakers, retirees, and students can meet the criteria for the Übungsleiterpauschale.
Difference Between "Ehrenamtspauschale" and "Übungsleiterpauschale": The Ehrenamtspauschale (volunteer allowance) is granted for various activities within the context of voluntary work, not limited to specific roles like the Übungsleiterpauschale. In 2022 and 2023, the Übungsleiterpauschale is set at 3,000 euros, while the Ehrenamtspauschale is 840 euros.
Exceeding the Übungsleiterpauschale: If the earnings surpass the Übungsleiterpauschale threshold, the excess income will be subject to regular taxation. Any amount exceeding the allowance is considered as taxable income and subject to full social security contributions.
Combining Minijob and Übungsleiterpauschale: It is possible to combine a Minijob (a type of marginal employment) with the Übungsleiterpauschale, provided that the employer pays a 30% lump-sum tax on the Minijob. However, it's important to ensure that the combined hourly wage, including the Minijob and the Übungsleiterpauschale, does not fall below the statutory minimum wage. If there is no clear separation between the Minijob and the Übungsleiterpauschale, the entire work may be subject to the minimum wage requirements.
Please note that tax laws can change, so it's advisable to consult with a tax professional or the relevant tax authorities for the most current information and guidance.
Was mach ich, wenn ich mich auf meinem Heimweg unsicher fühle?
The homesick phone is a service where you can call at night if you feel uncomfortable on your way home. You will then be accompanied by a volunteer on the phone until you arrive home
Welche Rechte habe ich bei Umzug als Telefon- und Internetkunde?
When relocating, you can transfer your contracts - be it landline, internet, or mobile services - to your new place without changing the contract duration or any other terms, provided that the service provider offers the agreed-upon service at the new location.
Gibt es Informationen zu Stressbewältigung und Selbstfürsorge online?
Tips and examples for stabilization and trauma processing can help refugees and displaced individuals.
Both are important: facilitating their integration and self-care.
Wie kann ich günstig in die Ukraine telefonieren?
Starting from July, phone calls to Ukraine will no longer be free. As of July 1st, a fee will be applied. Telekom customers using prepaid plans will have to pay approximately 1.99 euros per minute for calls to Ukraine and 1.22 euros for each SMS. Vodafone customers will pay 9.99 euros every 4 weeks, which includes free minutes/SMS from Germany to Ukraine. When it comes to mobile contracts and prepaid plans, here are some things to consider:
Similar to other countries, Germany has many mobile service providers offering both long-term contract plans and prepaid options. Mobile contracts typically come with a minimum term of two years. The Verbraucherzentrale Nordrhein-Westfalen (Consumer Protection Center of North Rhine-Westphalia) recommends prepaid plans without a contract commitment, which often include all-net or data flat rates. Their advice is: when choosing a mobile contract, compare multiple offers and pay attention not only to the price but also to the contract duration and included features such as plans, data volumes, and international flat rates.
Nachrichten, Informationen und Service für Geflüchtete und Ukrainer:innen in Deutschland. Aktuell
News, information, and services for refugees and Ukrainians in Germany. Current and community-oriented. Only verified information from secure sources.
Welche Abgaben habe ich von meinem Gehalt?
When you work in Germany, various amounts are deducted directly from your gross salary before you receive your pay. These deductions include taxes and social insurance contributions, which you can track precisely on your payslip. To make a rough estimate of these deductions, you can also use an online gross-to-net calculator.
Welche Regeln muss ich beim Fahrrad fahren beachten?
Alcohol: It is not advisable to ride a bicycle when you have too much alcohol in your system. With a blood alcohol concentration of 0.3 per mille, significant issues can arise in the event of an accident. Riding a bike with a blood alcohol level over 1.6 per mille is considered completely unfit and is a criminal offense according to the law.
Children: In terms of cycling, there are general prohibitions for both pedestrian zones and sidewalks. An exception is made for children: up to the age of eight, they must use the sidewalk, while between the ages of eight and ten, they have the choice between the sidewalk and the road.
Traffic Lights: When the traffic light turns red, cyclists are not obligated to wait in the queue at the back. Instead, they may cautiously pass on the right side of the stationary vehicles. It is of utmost importance, however, that they proceed slowly and exercise extreme caution. Ignoring a red traffic light while cycling can be quite costly: fines of up to 100 euros may apply for running a red light. If this endangers other road users, fines of up to 160 euros and a point in the driving record could be imposed. If there is a specific traffic light with a bicycle symbol, cyclists on the bike lane are required to obey it.
Lights: A bicycle should have front lighting and rear lights.
Wo finden Kinder Antworten auf spannende Fragen in ukrainischer Sprache?
Here you can find answers to interesting questions in the Ukrainian language. And you can watch Mouse, Elephant, and Duck on their adventures.
Welche schönen Aktivitäten gibt es in Aachen und Umgebung für Kinder?
Aachen is always a great choice for a family vacation.
Was ist für Kindern in der Eifel interessant?
For a family trip with children, there are plenty of kid-friendly attractions in the Eifel, such as animal and theme parks, swimming pools, special tours, and activities in the National Park Eifel and the Vulkaneifel region. We are happy to provide you with tips for micro-adventures in the Eifel and present a small selection here. Whether it's offerings for children in North Rhine-Westphalia or Rhineland-Palatinate, there's a lot to explore in the Eifel!
Welche Ausflugziele kann man in Eschweiler mit Kind besuchen?
Excursion destinations around Eschweiler
Welche Hilfsangebote gibt es speziell für geflüchtete Frauen und Schwangere?
The nationwide helpline "Violence against Women" (0 8000 116 016) provides free, anonymous, and confidential counseling in 18 different languages, including Russian, Ukrainian, and English.
Similarly, the helpline "Pregnant in Crisis" (0800 40 40 020) offers around-the-clock free and anonymous counseling, including Ukrainian, Russian, and English. This ensures that individuals from Ukraine, where knowledge of the Russian language is widespread, can receive information and support.
The Federal Foundation for Mother and Child supports pregnant women in crisis regardless of their nationality and provides financial assistance for maternity clothing, baby essentials, housing, furniture, and childcare. Information about this support is available in Russian, Ukrainian, and English. Pregnant individuals who recently had to flee Ukraine and do not yet have proof of residence can easily apply for assistance from the foundation at many pregnancy counseling centers. The required proof of permanent residence in Germany can be submitted at a later date.
Wann kann das Jugendamt mir das Kind wegnehmen?
When a child is in danger within their family or in the care of someone else or is living in neglect, the Youth Welfare Office (Jugendamt) may take the child into its custody. If a child is in an acute crisis or is in danger, the child can also request to be taken into custody by the Youth Welfare Office.
Being taken into custody means the temporary placement and accommodation of the child in a safe environment, such as:
With a suitable person,
In a foster care family,
In a facility (Child and Youth Emergency Service), or
In another supervised living arrangement.
The goal of taking the child into custody is to protect the child or adolescent and resolve the conflict or crisis situation. The Youth Welfare Office will approach the parents (or legal guardians) to mediate in the conflict and, if necessary, initiate further assistance.
Taking a child into custody by the Youth Welfare Office against the will of the parents (or legal guardians) may result in the Family Court temporarily or permanently depriving them of parts of their parental authority or even the entire parental custody. The child can only return to their family if the parents are willing to cooperate with the Youth Welfare Office and there is a prospect of improving the domestic situation.
Wohin können Jugendliche hin, um Gleichaltrige kennenzulernen?
There are many ways to form new friendships and make the most of your youth. Search the internet for youth clubs or associations in your city, join a school or student organization, or use social media to find groups or events. Be open to approaching others and don't be afraid to meet new people - it's worth it!
Bekommt mein Kind finanzielle Unterstützung für Besorgung von Schulmaterialien und Teilnahme an Freizeitangeboten?
For families with limited financial resources, there is the so-called "Educational and Participation Package" (Bildungs- und Teilhabepaket or BuT in German). Through this package, your child can receive financial assistance for their personal school needs, such as notebooks, pens, and school bags. Under certain circumstances, the package also covers the costs of tutoring, school lunches, and school trips. If your child uses public transportation to get to school, you can also apply for the reimbursement of transportation costs.
To be eligible for support from the Educational and Participation Package, you or your child must receive one of the following state benefits:
Child Benefit (Kinderzuschlag)
Citizen's Income (Bürgergeld)
Social Money (Sozialgeld)
Social Assistance (Sozialhilfe)
Housing Benefit (Wohngeld)
Benefits under the Asylum Seekers' Benefits Act (Leistungen nach dem Asylbewerberleistungsgesetz)
To access the benefits from the Educational and Participation Package, you need to submit an application to the relevant authority in your area.
Sie möchten ihre wissenschaftliche Arbeit oder ihr Studium möglichst rasch fortsetzen können?
Information and advice can be obtained from the National Academic Contact Point Ukraine. For this purpose, this website compiles initial information on residence, life, study, and research in Germany. Additionally, as part of the contact point, DAAD also offers direct counseling.
Digitaler Reiseführer für NRW
Your digital travel guide for all of North Rhine-Westphalia. Discover nearby attractions now!
Was muss ich bei der Beantragung eines Wohnberechtigungsscheines beachten?
The income limits (net income) per year for a housing eligibility certificate (Wohnberechtigungsschein) in North Rhine-Westphalia (as of 2023) are as follows:
Single: €20,420
2 Persons: €24,600
Single Parent (1 Child): €25,340
3 Persons (1 Child): €31,000
When applying for a housing eligibility certificate, the following documents are to be provided (as applicable):
Completed and signed application form
Valid identification documents (e.g., identity cards) or passports with valid residence permits for all individuals living in the household; Displaced Persons or Refugee ID (if available)
Written authorization if the housing eligibility certificate is being applied for on behalf of another person
For each person with income, an income declaration must be completed, and the relevant income documents from the last twelve months prior to the application must be included (e.g., copies of pay stubs). If income is expected to change in the next twelve months after the application, appropriate proof (e.g., employment contract) should be provided.
Marriage certificate
Divorce decree
For unemployed individuals, the most recent notice from the employment office specifying the amount of benefits granted and the last bank statement of benefit payments
The housing eligibility certificate is valid for one year.
Finde ich die Ukraine Plattform auch bei Facebook?
We are the group on Facebook: Ukraine Platform – Platform for Ukrainians. Here is the invitation link.-
Welche Bedeutung haben der Buchstabe A und die Nummern bei Deutschen Autobahnen?
German highways are labeled with "A" followed by a number. Major roads have single-digit numbers, regionally connecting roads have two-digit numbers, and smaller roads have three-digit numbers.
East-West routes are assigned even numbers, and North-South routes are assigned odd numbers.
A 10 to A 19 – Part of Eastern Germany, including Berlin, Saxony-Anhalt, parts of Saxony, and Brandenburg.
A 20 to A 29 – Northern and northeastern Germany, including Hamburg.
A 30 – A 39 – Northwestern Germany, as well as Lower Saxony and Thuringia.
A 40 to A 49 – Rhine-Ruhr region, including Frankfurt and the Rhine-Main area.
A 52 to A 59 – Lower Rhine and the Cologne region.
A 60 – A 67 – Region of Rhineland-Palatinate, Saarland, Hesse, and northern Baden-Württemberg.
A 70 – A 73 – Thuringia, northern Bavaria, and parts of Saxony.
A 81 – Baden-Württemberg.
A 90 – A 99 – Southern Bavaria.
Unterscheiden sich die deutschen Straßenschilder von den ukrainischen?
Road traffic signs should be designed and labeled to be easily understandable for everyone. There are some differences between signs in Germany and Ukraine.
A sign with a yellow background and an arrowhead indicates that a detour is necessary.
Warning signs alert drivers to poor road conditions, traffic lights, roadwork, and other hazards.
Priority signs provide information about priority roads, roundabouts, and bus stops. An example is the bus stop sign, which features a yellow circle with a green border and a black letter "H" in the center.
Mandatory traffic signs inform drivers about speed limits, right-of-way rules, bus lane regulations, and other restrictions.
Information signs provide drivers with information about one-way streets, traffic lights, turning options, as well as construction zones and other hazards like lane narrowing or uneven road surfaces.
Wer bekommt Elterngeld?
Elterngeld, or parental allowance, is a benefit provided to parents of infants and young children. Its purpose is to enable parents to have time with their child, to raise and care for them.
Elterngeld serves as compensation for parents who have reduced or completely stopped working temporarily after the birth of their child, resulting in lower income.
In this way, Elterngeld helps to secure the financial foundation of families during this crucial time.
Elterngeld is also available to parents who had no income before the birth of their child.
Elterngeld is accessible to parents as a couple, single parents, or those who are co-parenting while living separately.
furthe information you can find here:
Kann ich mein Studium in Deutschland fortsetzen?
You can find support to continue your studies in Germany at the National Academic Contact Point.
Sie brauchen einen Arzt?
After registering in Germany, refugees can visit doctors and dentists when they are ill. Starting from June 1, 2022, Ukrainians will have access to statutory health insurance (GKV). Contact information for medical and dental practices can be found online. Most medical practices only schedule appointments for treatment over the phone.
Here, you can find doctors, including female doctors, as well as psychotherapists in your vicinity.
Wo finde ich eine Unterkunft?
The responsible foreigner's office typically refers you to the nearest state initial reception center, where you will receive an initial place to sleep, meals, and assistance. The website provides accommodations with private individuals for people who have fled from Ukraine. If you would like to take advantage of this offer, you can register on the platform with a few personal details and your needs, and you will then be connected with suitable hosts.
Sie brauchen psychologische Betreuung?
In Aachen, the Psychosocial Center for Refugees provides assistance at the following address: Psychosocial Center for Refugees Mariahilfstr. 16, 52062 Aachen Phone: 0241 - 51574752 Email: Website:
In Mönchengladbach, you can seek help at the Psychosocial Center located at: Odenkirchener Straße 7, 41236 Mönchengladbach Phone: 02166-1309766 Email: Website:
The German Psychotherapists Network offers "2-Hour Help for People in Need," which is also available in Ukrainian and Russian. You can reach them by phone at +49-228/30434525 on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 12:00 to 14:00 (otherwise, there's an answering machine). You can also contact them via email at
Hilfspakete in die Ukraine - Versand kostenlos
We support the people in Ukraine and send your aid packages free of charge to where they are needed. You can also help by sending an emergency relief package with a maximum weight of 20kg. Deutsche Post DHL will then take care of transporting it from Germany to the transfer points to the Ukrainian Post in Poland, Hungary, and Slovakia. From here, the Ukrainian Post Ukrposhta will transport and distribute the relief supplies in Ukraine where they are currently needed most.
Wo gibt es für Geflüchtete aus der Ukraine Informationen zum Thema Wohnraum in Krefeld?
Mit Hilfe der Diakonie wurde eine Hotline eingerichtet, unter der wohnungssuchende Menschen aus der Ukraine viele Fragen rund ums Wohnen telefonisch klären können. Sie ist montags bis freitags von 9 bis 13 Uhr unter der Rufnummer +492151363 2023 erreichbar. Die Telefonate sind sowohl in deutscher als auch in russischer Sprache möglich und bieten allgemeinene Informationen zum Thema Wohnen.
Welche Ausländerbehörde ist für mich zuständig?
You can search for regional authorities by entering location names or postal codes.
You can find the appropriate foreigner's registration office for you in the BAMF-NAvI at
Kann ich auch online Wohnung finden?
Private housing offers can be found on the following websites:,, or
Wohin kann ich mich wenden, wenn ich Opfer / Zeuge von Kriegsverbrechen geworden bin?
If you have information about possible war crimes related to the conflict in Ukraine, especially if you have become a victim or an eyewitness, you can contact any police station in your area. War crimes can be prosecuted under German law, even if they were committed by foreigners outside of Germany.
Witnesses of war crimes in Ukraine sought (PDF, 1.003KB)
Wie beantrage ich das Bürgergeld?
You can apply for Bürgergeld (citizen's income) at your local job center. To find out exactly how to proceed, visit the 'Applying for Bürgergeld' page. For more information on the application, attachments, and the decision, refer to the 'Application and Decision' page.
All the information you provide must be supported by evidence. Evidence includes documents that confirm the accuracy of your information. You can find out which documents are required for this purpose in the application or from your job center. Important types of evidence include:
Valid identification document: ID card or valid passport with current registration certificate.
Residence permit.
Proof of income, such as a wage statement or recent bank statements (e.g., for pensions, sickness benefits, child benefits, maintenance, maintenance advance).
Bank statements from the past 3 months.
Evidence of existing assets (e.g., savings, stocks, securities, building society contracts).
Proof of expenses, such as presenting bank statements (or, for example, rental receipts, documents for insurance contributions).
Rental contract, heating and utility cost statement.
Evidence from previous receipt of benefits, even from a different job center (approval notice, proof of benefits).
If you are applying after an employment relationship: Employment documents (including termination letter or statement of termination), employment certificate (to be filled out by the employer).
Was muss ich beachten bei der Ummeldung eines ukrainischen Autos?
When registering a vehicle acquired from abroad or for foreign vehicles, the following documents are required:
Vehicle documents in the original (including a translation if necessary).
License plates (if already registered).
If the vehicle has an EC type approval:
EC Certificate of Conformity (COC) in the original (if available), or
Data confirmation sheet from a technical inspection service (e.g., TÜV, DEKRA) for vehicles registered from 01.09.2018 with WLTP values.
If the vehicle does not have an EC type approval, you will need a certificate under § 21 of the Road Traffic Licensing Regulations. A separate operating permit must be applied for at the vehicle registration authority – see the description under "Operating Permit."
If a periodic technical inspection (Hauptuntersuchung) is due, a valid inspection report must be presented.
Electronic Insurance Confirmation Number (eVB).
Valid identity card or passport with a registration certificate (not older than 6 months) or a valid identity card replacement. Foreign identification documents must always be accompanied by a registration certificate (not older than 6 months).
SEPA direct debit mandate for motor vehicle tax collection, either with a bank card (including a copy), a bank confirmation, or (blacked out) bank statement. If the account holder is not the vehicle owner, the account holder's identification document (including a copy) is required.
In the case of representation, a power of attorney, and the representative must provide the original document, while the grantor must provide a copy of their identification document showing its validity. Unnecessary information (access number) should be blacked out on the copy of the electronic ID card.
For vehicles from non-EU countries, a customs clearance certificate must be provided.
Proof of ownership (invoice, purchase contract, etc.) and a translation if necessary.
For registration by minors, additionally:
Disabled person's ID or driver's license of the minor.
A vehicle can only be registered to a minor without disabilities if the minor holds the appropriate driver's license for that vehicle.
Consent statement, if applicable, along with proof of sole custody. The custodial parent(s) must also be able to provide identification.
The vehicle must be presented at the motor vehicle registration authority.
§ 24 AsylG Asylgesetz- was bedeutet er?
In § 24 of the Asylum Act (AsylG), a special protection status is established for refugees with Ukrainian citizenship. They are not required to go through an asylum procedure, and this protection can last for up to three years. Currently, this regulation is in effect until March 4, 2025. This does not apply to individuals from third countries.
Freizeit und Erholung Rund um Aachen
Leisure and Relaxation Around Aachen - Explore Aachen and its Surroundings.
49€ Deutschlandticket
The €49 monthly ticket, also known as the Deutschlandticket, will be available starting on May 1st. However, the official sale is set to begin on April 3rd. The Deutschlandticket can be obtained as a chip card or a mobile ticket, and there are plans for a transitional paper form with a QR code as well. Starting on May 1st, you can travel effortlessly on all public transportation modes for just €49 per month. More information:
Bilderwörterbücher Ukrainisch, Arabisch TüftelAkademie
Free Picture Dictionary: This project was created to simplify communication for refugees and all volunteer helpers. You are free to use, share, and distribute this picture dictionary. We regularly update the dictionary and are working on additional languages.
Kostenlos Deutsch und Ukrainisch lernen - Jicki-App
Currently, we offer free German language courses for Ukrainians and Ukrainian language courses for German speakers on our website and in the Jicki app.
Wann bekomme ich Bürgergeld?
You are eligible to receive Bürgergeld if you are capable of working and eligible for benefits. You must meet the following conditions:
You are at least 15 years old and have not reached the retirement age.
You reside in Germany and have your primary place of residence here.
You are able to work at least 3 hours per day.
You or members of your household are in need of assistance.
SOS Meldestelle Ukrainische Waisenhäuser und Kinderheime
Nearly 100,000 children and adolescents are growing up in Ukrainian orphanages. The current wartime situation poses an immediate threat to these young people and their care facilities. Many groups of children and adolescents receiving institutional care are still located in conflict zones. Others have already been evacuated or are self-organized on the run, exposing them to high risks. Some children, along with their caregivers, have also arrived in Germany.
Mietspiegel & Mietpreise in Deutschland
Check rental prices now! Rental price database with over 2 million rental entries. Current rental prices for German cities and locations.
Cambio Deutschland
CarSharing with cambio operates on a simple principle: there are fixed stations at various locations within the city. Your journey begins and ends at these stations. Think of it as a garage or parking space in your neighborhood: Instead of a private car, there are one or more cambio cars available there.
Premium Sim
Calls and SMS to Ukraine are free of charge for PremiumSIM customers until further notice.
We bring digital startups and IT SMEs together with established companies. In the digital CHURCH, we shape digitization in the Aachen area.
Bäckerei Moos sucht Verkäufer (m/w/d) in Vollzeit oder Teilzeit.
Those who want to change their field of work and become real 'sales talents' are also welcome! Knowledge of the German language is a requirement. Bakerei MOSS GmbH, Kellershaustraße 60, 52078 Aachen,,
Unterkunft Ukraine
If you have fled from Ukraine and are looking for accommodation with private individuals, please register now, and we will try to find accommodation for you.
Nummer gegen Kummer
If you need someone to confide in, you've come to the right place with the 'Nummer gegen Kummer' (Number for Comfort). We are here to lend an open ear to your experiences, emotions, worries, and fears.
Arbeitsagentur Jobsuche
Portal for job or vocational training search.
Bus- und Zugverbindung -
Focus: Timetables and tickets for bus and train connections in North Rhine-Westphalia.
Kindergeld, Kinderzuschlag und Kinderbonus online beantragen.
Schnell & direkt: Anträge online erledigen.
Anleitung für die Eltern über Deutsches Schulsystem
The German school system explained in Ukrainian.
Information for refugees and refugee helpers.
Wichtige Informationen zur Einreise und zum Aufenthalt für Menschen aus der Ukraine
Hier finden Sie Informationen zur Situation an den Grenzen und zur Einreise und zum weiteren Aufenthalt in Deutschland für ukrainische Staatsbürger und Menschen anderer Nationalitäten, die in der Ukraine gelebt haben. Auch Ukrainer*innen, die bereits in Deutschland sind, finden hier zuverlässige und aktuelle Informationen.
In Deutschland orientieren
Upon arriving in Germany, many questions arise. In the video, you will receive important hints and information.
Wenn ich aus der Ukraine nach Deutschland flüchte, wird dann für meinen Lebensunterhalt gesorgt?
Yes: If you are in need of assistance, for example, with regard to accommodation, meals, or medical care, the authorities will consider this as a request for protection - after your registration with the initial reception facilities or immigration authorities.
Gesetzliche Krankenversicherung in Deutschland
Refugees from Ukraine in Germany are typically provided for by the job centers and insured with a statutory health insurance. The job center covers the contributions for this.
Application to the job center should be made as soon as possible. The following documents are important:
Copy of the residence permit or the provisional certificate
Copy of the rental agreement
Confirmation of the choice of health insurance
If possible: Bank statements from the German bank account from the date of account opening to the present day.
Here, you have the option of conducting a nationwide search for all pharmacies listed on the portal. Please enter an address.
Papstbrief an Bevölkerung in der Ukraine
Pope Francis, in a personal letter, has addressed the Ukrainian people with words of compassion and assured them of his constant presence. He also addresses the children killed during the war and the Russian deportations.
Ich brauche einen Priester, eine Seelsorgerin oder einen Seelsorger.
In every parish community, there is the possibility to speak with a priest, a pastoral care worker, or a pastoral care worker, or you can contact the contact persons at.
Sie suchen ein Betreuungsangebot in einer Kindertageseinrichtung für Ihr Kind?
The daycare center finder of the state of North Rhine-Westphalia (NRW) can assist you with this. Here, you can find information about the childcare facilities in your area. You can register your child there. The waiting lists for a spot are usually long.
Müssen ukrainische Kinder Schulen in Deutschland besuchen, wenn sie bereits an der Schule in der Ukraine online lernen?
Compulsory education usually applies to children and adolescents from Ukraine once they have a residence permit. Many schools have set up welcome groups for refugee students, where they can participate in online classes from Ukraine. However, compulsory education comes into effect after three months from obtaining a residence permit.
Wie kann ich mein Kind zur Schule anmelden?
The point of contact for arrivals from Ukraine is the local school authority. Families are individually advised on which schools are suitable for their child or adolescent. The counseling is usually provided by teachers. You can find the relevant school authorities here:
Wird mein Schul- und Berufsabschluss anerkannt?
If you have a foreign school or professional qualification, you can have it recognized in Germany. You can find central information on a flyer in German, English, and Ukrainian on this website:
Wo kann ich Deutsch lernen?
The adult education centers in municipalities and cities offer German courses. Additionally, many volunteer initiatives provide excellent German courses.
Wo kann ich Sport treiben?
Sports clubs offer a diverse range of different sports. Football clubs can be found in every city and most municipalities. Athletics, handball, basketball, and swimming clubs can be found in every larger city. A membership fee is usually required, and cancellation is generally possible at any time.
Wo bekommt man Unterstützung als schwangere Geflüchtete und junge Eltern?
The nationwide helpline 'Pregnant in Need' offers psychosocial initial counseling for pregnant women, their social environment, and caring professionals. The service is available 24/7, free of charge, anonymous, accessible, and in 18 languages, including for women arriving from Ukraine - if needed, in Polish, Russian, or English. The goal of this service is to refer individuals to a local pregnancy counseling center. The interpreter-assisted language service of the 'Pregnant in Need' helpline will also be available in Ukrainian. Information materials for pregnant women in need will be translated into Ukrainian in the near future.
Gibt es online Sprachkurse für Kinder?
My Friend Mykola - Playful German Learning for Children:
Gibt es Sprachkurse online?
In the adult education center (Volkshochschule) learning portal, you can find online German courses at various levels from A1 (beginner) to B2. These courses are suitable for self-study. Additionally, there are free courses available at the radio station Deutsche Welle and on Babbel.
Wie geht Mülltrennung?
Waste separation in Germany is a science of its own. Don't worry, even Germans can sometimes be overwhelmed by waste separation. If you want to learn more about waste separation, here is a link in Ukrainian:
Welche Freizeitaktivitäten kann ich mit Kindern machen?
There are plenty of excursion destinations for children. The Coolibri website has some ideas.
Minijob/Teilzeit – was ist das?
A minijob is a marginal employment where you are not allowed to earn more than 520 euros per month, or only work for a short period of a few weeks or months. You work for less than three months (with a 5-hour week) or 70 working days (if you work less than 5 days a week). How much you earn during this time doesn't matter. What's important is that you are only employed for a short period. On the other hand, a part-time job is subject to social insurance contributions from the beginning and is connected with legal insurances.
Ich habe als pädagogische Fachkraft in einer Kindertageseinrichtung in der Ukraine gearbeitet. Darf ich in Deutschland als Erzieherin arbeiten?
According to information from the responsible district governments, training and study qualifications from Ukraine can generally be recognized under certain conditions. As long as these recognition procedures are not possible without the appropriate documentation, the State Youth Office has granted approval for the deployment of Ukrainian men and women with educational qualifications in the form of an internship in childcare facilities, provided that these documents are submitted at a later time.
Ausflugsziele in Aachen und in der Nähe
The website provides an overview of excursion destinations in and around Aachen.
Ausflugsziele in der Eifel
The website provides an overview of excursion destinations in the Eifel region.
Muss ich die Kosten für Behandlungen beim Arzt oder im Krankenhaus selber zahlen?
People who have fled from Ukraine will have the opportunity to join the statutory health insurance (GKV) starting from June 1, 2022. A list of statutory health insurance funds can be found here.
Kann ich ohne die deutsche Sprache zu können eine Arbeit aufnehmen?
You can take up employment without language skills. However, it's important to have basic knowledge of the German language in order to communicate with your employer and colleagues. In many professions and fields of work, having sufficient knowledge of the German language is essential.
Wie viel Kindergeld bekomme ich?
The amount of child benefit you receive depends on the number of children. A separate amount is paid for each child. For the first child: 219 euros. For the second child: 219 euros. For the third child: 225 euros. For the fourth and each additional child: 250 euros each. Child benefit is transferred monthly to the bank account you specify in your application.
Wie eröffne ein Girokonto?
Every bank or savings bank is required to set up an account for you. You are free to choose the institution. The checklist also includes the documents you need to bring in order to open an account.
Muss mein ukrainisches Auto in Deutschland versichern?
Starting from June 1, 2022, you must have motor liability insurance for your Ukrainian-registered vehicle that participates in road traffic in Germany. For your vehicle, you will need the so-called 'Green Card' (International Motor Insurance Card) or a border insurance. You can obtain the 'Green Card' from your Ukrainian insurer, often in digital format. You must always carry it with you when driving your car. In case of a check, you must present the 'Green Card.' More information on this can be found in Ukrainian at:
Habe ich Anspruch auf Kindergeld?
Families who have fled from Ukraine with their children can apply for child benefit in Germany if they meet the following conditions: · if they have a residence permit according to § 24 AufenthG and the parent applying for child benefit is employed OR has been continuously residing in Germany for at least 15 months.
Wo kann ich ukrainisches Geld wechseln?
Since May 24, 2022, you can exchange your brought Hryvnia into Euros at these German banks, savings banks, cooperative banks, and Deutsche Bank. It is possible to exchange up to 10,000 Hryvnia into Euros. Only banknotes with denominations of 100, 200, 500, and 1000 Hryvnia are accepted. There are no fees charged for the exchange
Wie komme ich an mein Ziel?
For refugees from Ukraine, all train and bus journeys are free until May 31, 2022. From June 1 to August 31, you can purchase a monthly pass for regional transportation for 49 euros. For long-distance trains, you can obtain a 'helpukraine' ticket at the DB Reisezentrum. The 'AVV' and 'DB Navigator' apps can also be helpful.
Welche Familienkasse ist für mich zuständig?
The family allowance office in Aachen covers the following areas: Erkelenz, Hückelhoven, Wegberg, Wassenberg, Aachen, Herzogenrath, Würselen, Simmerath, Monschau, Roetgen, Stolberg, Eschweiler, Düren, Kreuzau, Langerwehe, Niederzier, Nideggen, Nörvenich, Vettweiß, Hürtgenwald, Heimbach, Merzenich, Jülich, Linnich, Titz, Aldenhoven, Inden, Alsdorf, Baesweiler, Geilenkirchen, Heinsberg, Waldfeucht, Übach-Palenberg, Gangelt.
Habe ich die Erlaubnis in Deutschland zu arbeiten?
Refugees from Ukraine are allowed to work in Germany, but they must apply for this at the relevant foreigner's registration authority.
Soll ich mich bei dem Jobcenter anmelden? Wie kann das Jobcenter helfen?
If you are looking for work or training, please register with a job center and seek free advice. The Employment Agencies and Job Centers provide guidance and support for your entry into the job or training market. For instance, they can assist you in finding childcare, language acquisition, and the recognition of school, study, and professional qualifications. Furthermore, they can support you in searching for or facilitating training or employment, as well as in qualification and further education. Telephone consultations are available in Ukrainian or Russian languages.
Haben Sie auf der Flucht Ihre Familie verloren?
The DRK Tracing Service can help you locate missing family members whom you may have lost during times of conflict and displacement. You can submit your search request at This service is provided free of charge.
Darf ich Deutschland verlassen wenn ich mich schon registriert habe? Reisen/ in die Ukraine fahren? Für wie lange?
You are allowed to temporarily leave Germany, but not for more than 6 months. During the validity of your residence permit and with a valid travel document, you can re-enter Germany at any time.
Ich habe nicht die ukrainische Staatsbürgerschaft. Soll ich einen Asylantrag stellen, wenn ich in Deutschland bin?
On March 3, 2022, the EU agreed to activate temporary protection (§24 AufenthG) for the following groups. These groups are not required to apply for asylum until February 24, 2024: Non-Ukrainian citizens from other countries and stateless individuals who were recognized as refugees in Ukraine and left Ukraine as of February 24, 2022. The immediate family members of the aforementioned groups, if they were living together in Ukraine. Immediate family members include spouses and minor children, or the parents of minor children. The family's citizenship is not relevant. If you do not belong to any of these groups, please contact an advisory center.
Wie lange darf ich mit meinem ukrainischen Führerschein in Deutschland fahren?
With a valid Ukrainian driver's license, you are allowed to drive in Germany during the first 6 months after your arrival. You do not need a translation of your driver's license. Ukrainian driver's licenses are now also valid beyond the initial six-month period until February 2023. If the EU does not decide otherwise by that time, this period will automatically be extended by one year. If there are still reasons for fleeing, the EU can decide on an additional one-year extension.
Wo muss ich mich registrieren? Muss ich mich eigentlich registrieren wenn ich mit meinem biometrischen Pass angekommen bin? Wie lange darf ich ohne Registrierung in Deutschland bleiben?
Regular intake and registration procedures have been in place since August 1, 2022, at the State Initial Reception Center (Landeserstaufnahmeeinrichtung, LEA) located at Gersteinring 50, 44791 Bochum. There, you will be informed about the city or municipality where you will be accommodated. You must register in Germany within 90 days at the latest. There are opportunities throughout Germany to find accommodation and employment.
Is there a mobile language course for tablets and smartphones?
Learn German free online
With Deutsche Welle's mobile courses, you can learn German easily and free of charge. Whether you are a beginner or highly proficient, this is where you will find German courses. You can also learn German with the news or music - from level A1 to C1. For German teachers there are teaching materials and the latest on German language teaching.